Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hows my little #@%~!?

probably the worst day of work ever today.
I've had 'bad' days at work before...but this one makes them look like a frolic in the park.

We have just installed a new computer system at the hotel, so for me(and everyone else), its like im starting a new job at the same building. Its stupid. I have to re-learn EVERYTHING. Before, when i got trained in it was fine, i watched people make reservastions, answered the occasional phone and generally eased into the job. Today, however everyone was new, the people who were supposed to be training us hopped on a plane and took off to whereever leaving us stranded.
The Manager of the hotel who knows everything, didn't, the other manager who knows as much, was hung over as hell and useless, the Manager who had the unfortunate job of actually being in the office, didnt know shit and was ready to punch anyone with a question.
Of course I started on my own at 7 am this morning, I came in not even knowing how to check someone out. I ended up pissing off the 2nd person who came up to me and he yelled at me, and I ended up being my sarcastic/pissed-at-you-ass self back to him ...because i was on my own, and could.

Sure am excited to go to ISU and Bemidji.

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