Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hows my little uplifter?

There are a few phrases in life that when you stumble across them it has some kind of affect on you and how you currently view/live your daily life. In my life I've had a few of these phrases enter my life, I mull over them trying to understand the different ways they can or could affect my life.

Today I had one of these delieverd to me, through a very unlikely medium.

Its not the hand you're dealt
Its how you play the cards

At a time that thoughts of what i am going to do after a year and a half more of college swarms me everyday, the line just seems to makes sense. It is just an easy reminder that I am the only one controlling my life right now. I think I am playing my cards ok at this point, in another year...we'll see now won't we. I've come to the conclusion that I really don't know where I want to be (in minnesota, west coast or europe?) nor what I exactly want to do. At this point however, all I am looking for is a chance somewhere.
Thats all.

Give me a chance to shine and I'm gunna blind the world.

Thank you

1 comment:

  1. here is the thing i was talking about
