Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hows my little MMXIV?

Two Thousand Fourteen, what a year. What an excellent year. So many exciting things happened! We traveled quite a bit, Minnesota several times, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico, Canada and New York, a few jaunts to Indianapolis. Not only fun travels but I dodged a bullet and didn't have to attend a single day of my scheduled jury duty. We stained our front deck and it looks much nicer and the newly painted base around the house made it look so sharp! The back deck stairs are finally done and after we stain them the pergola project from 2013 can finally be considered a wrap. Lets not forget the most exciting bit of news, Laura got knocked up!

Here are some highlights of my year:
Movie (in theater):
Guardians of the Galaxy - It was surprisingly funny with lots of action and wasn't cheesy.

TV Show:
I guess the Hulu show, The Misfits wins. We watched season one but found out that our favorite character wasn't coming back, so there was just no reason to watch more, it wasn't that good.

Phantogram at the Virginia Theatre. The lights, music, and atmosphere were all stellar.

Phantogram - Voices

I just don't know this year so here are some favorites:
Beats Antique - Jumpin, Broken Bells - After the disco, Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand, The Dirty Heads - My Sweet Summer, KONGOS - I want to know, Gaga & Tony Bennet - Bang Bang, Railroad Earth - Monkey, Phantogram - Howling at the Moon
Thats a solidly eclectic list.

I actually gamed this year! I got sucked into Titanfall early on and have been having a blast. It's the first time I've played a FPS since Doom 3 I think.

Antonio Mendez & Matt Baglio - Argo. This was a fascinating story.

Xbox One, that's a gadget right? I've spent so much time having fun with it this year.

Puerto Rico was phenomenal, I would recommend it to anyone.  

Garden Growth:
Our onions did great for the first time ever this year.

The pergola stairs were not that fun to do but they turned out great!

Intoxicating Beverage Tour:
I really enjoyed the Vikre Distillery in Duluth.

Food Ferment: 
2014's Kimchi was really really good.

Alcoholic Ferment: 
Doppelwiezen V.3 was very good.
Whats in the carboy: Natural Wine Experiment, Peach Wine, A bunch of Mead, Strawberry Wine, and a Pumpkin Wheat.

Athletic Endeavor: 
Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon

Events of Note: 
My epic motorcycle tale. It never made it into a blog because it just kept getting worse and stretched out for so much of the summer. I'll sum it up:
Leaky clutch, bike couldn't change gears
Rented trailer, brought it to nearest place that would fix it. 1 hour away.
Shop was closed.
Left bike, mailed key
Key was ripped out of envelope and was lost.
Was my only key
Many weeks passed in attempt to get one made
Found out key wasn't able to be made
New core installed
Rode bike home and front brake caliper wasn't reattached, no accident thank god.
Got new bolts mailed quickly and reattached caliper
Rode bike as much as possible for the rest of the fall.

I think Titanfall wins this year

That F***ing Plane (it really is tragic, but the endless coverage was awful)

News I'm oblivious to: 
Apparently something noteworthy happened in Missouri this year.

Indianapolis, Dayton, Vieques, San Juan, Twin Cities, Duluth, Washburn, Niagara-on-the-lake, Watkins Glen, Allegheny National Park.

More events of note:
Bockfest 2014 was fantastic
I've accepted that the hair on my head is parting ways with it's former locale.
Total gallons fermented this year: 46.5
I own one square foot of a private island called Hawaii 2.

This year's resolution was to touch the floor with my palms. I almost made it but due to my back injury where I couldn't bend over I had a major setback and didn't achieve this. So I'm going to reinstate that goal but also to improve my flexibility overall. I'm going to also get that handstand down too.

Last year I ended my year in review with "2014 I think I can handle what you've got. Bring it on, I dare you." Well I've got a kid brewing in Laura's belly now. I can handle that. I managed to plan and carry out a surprise vacation, I handled that. There were a bunch of things, this year that I just felt great about. This year was just great there were a lot of really fun things that we did.

I'm excited to find what 2015 brings me. 

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