Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hows my little summer update?

This has been a summer full of fun things that I just haven't put into blog form. So here are a bunch of photos to give you a recap of what's been happening.

Laura's flowers have been looking great all summer!
Tubing at Kickapoo
Laura is officially a certified PHR!
The garden has been good and bad, bad tomatoes (plants), great beans and onions.
We watch fireworks from our roof, everyone else watches them at the park down the road.
We got a new TV stand! This corner looks SO much better.
You know those awards stuck on bottles or the ones hanging from bottles at a winery that no one knows anything about and gives little regard to? Well, we won earned a few this year. This is me accepting one at the state fair.

Can't go to the IL state fair without checking the butter cow.
Amanda, Andy, Sammy, Cotton, and Tipper(not pictured) stayed with us on their move back to MN
We visited Justin and Allison in Dayton, OH.

Harvest started earlier than expected this year, it was also very light.
I started taking an online class towards an AA in Enology.

Brian and Melanie got married! Due to a lucky weekend off from harvest we unexpectedly got to see it! 

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