Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hows my little balding man?

Well I've finally admitted it to myself, I've come to grips with it, and now I've promptly done something about it. I'm losing my hair.

I have been suspecting this for awhile. For several years in fact. But I have always had this thick mop atop my noggin so I just sort of ignored it the oncoming reality and have rocked several different hairstyles over the past 10 years.

I thought everything was fine until this picture happened:
My initial reaction to my realization.
 But I quickly decided I should probably get over it because there are only two ways to go about this sort of thing, let it bother me and grow self conscious about it, or cut off most of my hair and get over it. I've chosen the latter. Shit happens in the genetic lottery.

I'm still a happy guy.
 So a few weeks ago Laura decided to have fun with my long hair one last time.


It's not a total loss though, it seems like for every hair that leaves my head I gain two somewhere else on my body. Woohoo! 

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