Monday, January 27, 2014

Hows my little juror?

Last week marked the second and final week of my jury duty service. The best part...not having to go in even ONCE!!! This was a big deal for me. If I got stuck on a jury they have the audacity to pay a juror $10 per DAY(plus mileage). That's just low enough to be a joke. I'm 95% sure panhandlers make more than that daily.

Anyway the reason that this is exciting to me is that this is the FOURTH time I've been summoned to jury duty service. The first time I was in Duluth and I wrote on my summons in large probably messy capitol letters I'M PAYING TO GO TO COLLEGE AND CAN'T BE ON A JURY. The second time was a year or so later and I had my car mostly packed to move to Indiana. I called that one in and said I can't come because I'm moving out of state, the lady laughed and said yeah that would be a long drive.

The third time was scheduled for the beginning of harvest this past year. It was a close call too. I actually showed up for the first day because I couldn't get a straight answer on whether or not I would be required for service. Fortunately I was able to get out of it since I'm technically a farmer and that is the busiest time of the year for me. When I got out of service I was asked to say when my next availability was and marked it after the new year. She said from her experience I would most likely get called right away. Sure enough, I got my letter mixed in with Christmas cards and a trip up north. Every night I got home I called the jury hotline and did a little cheer for every time I didn't have to go in (every night baby!)

Apparently I'm a marked man for jury duty. I've been summoned more times than some people twice my age. I have a sneaking feeling I'll be called again soon because of how I got so lucky with the draw in Vermilion County this year.

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