Monday, August 12, 2013

Hows my little fairgoer?

Yesterday Laura and I decided since harvest is running a bit late this year we should check out the Illinois state fair and it's offerings. I wasn't sure what to expect at all and since I've only ever been to one other state fair. I was constantly drawing comparisons to the Great Minnesota Get Together. How did it stack up? It was fun! the MN fair draws quite a few more people, and seems to be better laid out. Also the midway is considerably more exciting. Illinois matches it in quantity of food with just as many different things to try but the only thing I saw on a stick was my corn dog. The butter cow definitely one ups the butter busts that MN offers. Also since I haven't been to the MN State fair since I achieved 21 I don't know if there is a building that highlights the local wine or beer, but IL does and it was cool to check out the offerings of 20 different wineries in the state.

Here are some of the more notable sights:

Two day old piglets!

Pork Rocks!

Jumbo Corn Dog.

It's hard not to giggle a bit at this.

Fried Oreos, Laura's first.

Butter Cow, wading in butter creek.

Fun fact!

Favorite food we had, chocolate eclair, it was fantastic!

Illinois wine!

The secretary of State had a tent that you could do pretty much everything you can at the DMV right there at the fair! We've been meaning to switch Laura's standard plates that came with the car to the state park funding environmental plates but just haven't yet. Oddly one of the highlights of our experience.

A Diving show compete with men shedding firemen outfits, and an 8 story high dive.

This ass.
Anytime we saw a board with a face hole in it I got a picture with Laura in it.

Homemade flat root beer.

Sheep in sheets!

Because one should give a thumbs up to hogging energy.
After the fair we were beat. We walked all over the place and had our fill of fried foods, our legs were tired, we were hot and sticky, we needed AC, and something a bit more hearty before we made the two hour trek back home from Springfield. We stopped at Obed & Issacs. They make good food and decent beer. This horseshoe burger (there is lamb burger and bread beneath those fries and cheese sauce) was a phenomenal way to cap the day.

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