Monday, July 01, 2013

Hows my little Fermenter?

I get pretty excited about fermenting things. Really excited actually. Laura and I are headed up north next week for some great times with friends and family and I realized I should probably get my fermentations worked out before then. It all happened to work out at once so I made Sunday a "fermentation" day.

In all honesty it didn't work out to be a day full of all this stuff...but it's good to have goals right?

We got the blueberries into the hopped blueberry mead. Good thing it tasted good when we racked it, those blueberries from the farmers market get pricey quick!

We also got our first cabbage from the farmers market this weekend! So I got our first round of kraut going. When we get back from vacation I'm going to take a stab at kimchi with another head of cabbage. After that maybe a seasoned kraut for some variety, that should get us through the winter...maybe? This kraut is being made using only the natural bacteria already present on the cabbage, no whey starter, because whey cultures are good at eating dairy, eating veggies doesn't make much sense to me or them probably.

I made my Yogurt today and got pretty excited that it turned out quite tasty, maybe I should have been using Chobani all along. When we get back I'm going to buy an heirloom yogurt culture to really get things exciting.

That little jar on the right (in the top photo) is kombucha, it's kind of been an ignored child lately but hopefully before we go I'll have a sunny day that I can make an Oolong sun tea to transfer my mother into, and then bottle what I have into one bottle.

Now that summer is here I'm excited fermentation season has begun! 

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