Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hows my little BockFester?

Another successful BockFest has come and gone. Now that Laura and I have planned out three of these (as well as attending several other similar events) we are starting to feel a lot less stressed and more like pros.

The day kicked off with the aptly named Mountain Bock Goat Hill Run. Laura, Jason, Diana, and Eric all ran the 10k and Brian, Melanie, and I the 15k. The weather for it was perfect, still a little cool, a nice breeze and perfectly sunny. I found myself quite overdressed but any excuse to wear my plaid tights in a crowded area is welcome. My time was about an hour and 28 minutes. Today my legs are exhausted and sore.

This year was great, the quality of the beer (and food!) was outstanding. My homebrewing friends are definitely getting better and better. After the tasting tally was concluded I officially have a hat trick of last place finishes. This year my beer flavor seemed pretty solid, but due to a poor choice in yeast the beer only fermented out a little over half way leaving it a bit sweet I may have over carbonated it a bit as well which didn't help. Enough of losers, the winner this year and recipient of the travelling trophy stein was Brian Johnson with his Bourbon Barrel WeizenBock. This year the winner actually got a real prize, a five gallon carboy courtesy of Mr. Andy Harvey and Rebel Brewer! It was a steller boozy (yet balanced) beer. A glass of that singlehandedly gave me drunkenness. 

The obstacle course changed again this year and in addition to balancing, jumping, ducking and dodging there was a bat spin included into the mix. For those of you unfamiliar with a bat spin, we had a person put their forehead on the end of a bat while the other end was on the ground and they spun around it ten times. Competition was fierce this year and all of the times were very close. Andy and I the "Dragon Slayers" bested everyone with the quickest time and least amount of penalty beer won the race. Sweet victory.

Proper Bat Spin Form

The weather was wonderful, chilly enough to make the fire a welcome fixation and clear skies. As I write this it looks like we are on track to getting the biggest snowfall of the year, so we hit the window of good weather perfect. Its nice to be snuggled up in the house cozy, tired, and happy the weather yesterday was so great. Altogether there was great food, great beer, great conversation amongst great people. I'm happy everyone came and I got yet another reminder that I truly love my friends, and family. I think the BockFest tradition will continue next year!

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