Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Hows my little self?

This week Laura and I have been digging through the GIGANTIC pile of stuff from my childhood, that my parents refused to move. Which includes basically everything, no joke. My mom saw it fit to store I think every single assignment that wasn't a worksheet and then give them back to me. Along with report cards, artwork, and other random crap.

This trip down memory lane has been a lot of fun but we've been getting rid of much of it because there really is no reason to be storing all of this stuff for eternity. I've learned a bunch of stuff about my old self that has been a bit enlightening. Since I haven't visited ol' Mr. Bullet list lately:

  • I was an awful writer.
  • My handwriting has only improved marginally since late elementary school.
  • My speling was aufal. (Still is)
  • I question how much 'help' my parents provided me on some assignments.
  • I universally hated math except for one semester in 9th grade.
  • I didn't generally like my science teachers
  • I did poorly in math and science Every. Single. Year.
  • I failed chemistry in high school.
  • I made the 'B' Honor roll in 7th grade, only.
  • I loved sports (which has led me to wonder what happened).
  • The sport I loved most shifted around between football and basketball.
  • Somehow I ended up pursuing Track in college.
  • I hated school/homework (still do!).
  • All I ever wanted to do was play.
  • I was always a pleasure, joy, or a delight to have in class.
  • I always needed to work on prioritizing, and focusing.
  • In elementary school I routinely got an 'A' for effort.
  • Having a dog was a source of Joy in my life.
  • I really loved my friends, making them and hanging out with them.
  • I bombed two ACT (17, 19) because I fell asleep during them.
  • I ended up with a 21 because my reading score carried the rest my scores.
  • All around I was a pretty poor student. (this terrified Laura)
Looking back at all of this has been fun because things have not changed much since I was just a young boy going into elementary school. I still get praise for my positive attitude and working well with others. My strengths were always art and creativity, and less on mathematics. Those stupid job tests routinely placed me in a creative field. 

The only real dramatic shift in my life is my HUGE lack of interest in athletics. I can attribute my dislike towards basketball directly with my final year playing. I'm probably in a football rut this year, but I still like watching a game here or there. I'm not sure I was ever a huge baseball fan, mostly because all I wanted to do was hit the ball. Skiing has always been and hopefully will be a passion of mine. Which sadly, in this region, is a passion being stifled by flat cornfields for hours around.

One surprising thing was how little I mentioned scouting. Looking back that had to be one of the most positively influential things in my life, and it got nary a mention in my work.

It's been a bit sad getting rid of some of my old schoolwork but at the same time, storing and moving this shit is a bit unreasonable for a guy in his mid-twenties. Some of that stuff was over 15 years old! Telling Laura about memories from 10-20 years or more ago, made me feel really old. 

Part of me hopes everyone has kept some of their old work for that time when they get old enough to appreciate how good or bad everything was. Another part says that is certainly a big waste of space.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I'm shocked at how much you have in common with Avery. Should I be nervous?
