Sunday, May 06, 2012

Hows my little bachelor in Chicago?

So far I've been to four-ish bachelor parties and they've all been very different, which is cool because they all have seemed to reflect everyone's personalities. Nathan's party was in Chicago, a fantastic city to over indulge in anything you can imagine.

We kicked off our day at Wrigley Field for an awful cubs game. The gameplay was no better than a couple of decent little league teams and I wasn't dressed for the weather in the least bit, 51 and misty. But the Wrigley experience was really cool. stepping out into the field is like a time machine, nothing lights up, everything is very classic, the old style was good and so were the ballpark dogs.

After that we watched the Kentucky Derby which was a really fun race, If I've watched it before  I don't remember. It may have been so fun because I ended up drinking most of the mint juleps I bought for the table, sometimes a taste for whiskey has it's advantages.

My favorite part of the evening was the Boat.
We (I) played this song obnoxiously loud and frequently. We got both approving and disapproving looks from the restaurants along the river. If anyone is looking for a way to kill a couple of hours I highly recommend looking this up, especially since you can BYOB. Shoot for your ride at sunset if you can.

The Hancock tower shrouded in a cloud.
We saw a 30 foot marilyn on one of our jaunts.
Altogether the weekend was a good one and I reaffirmed that I love visiting chicago.

She was wearing white panties.

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