Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hows my little Jack Frost?

This week has been sort of a sad week for me. After much of March and February hanging out in record high temperature territory everything in our yard started to grow way earlier than usual. It was exciting and everything looked great! This week that all took a turn for the worse. The temps outside took a nosedive and for two nights in a row we had more seasonal temperatures of the high 20's.

This cold snap completely demolished one of my grape varieties (marquette), and at least gave a really good scare to the other variety (noiret).

The first 3 vines are Marquette. Lets hope they start pushing some new buds in the next few days!

These cute little guys are Noiret grapes, I covered them with a small towel and they were largely spared from the carnage.

This guy was the big survivor, probably due to its proximity to the house bleeding off enough heat at night to keep it alive.

These are our pathetic miss canada lilacs, every year they get some sort of fungus on the leaves and end up looking pretty much dead all summer, but they have such pretty pink blooms that Laura and I haven't had the heart to dig them up. If they don't recover we might finally have our excuse. This year we were probably just two days away from full pink blooms, that one on the right would have probably bloomed the day after the freeze :(

Notice there is like one branch that has some life on the bottom.

The cold damage was so bad it actually got our tree too. There was some good growth going happening this year and it zapped about half of our leaves. There is a really large Sycamore in town that looks awful, I hope it survives.

The vineyard was not spared from the cold either. Every year we always worry about frost damage but our cold snap actually didn't produce a hard frost, almost none at all. It was cold enough to pretty much freeze our new growth. The freeze killed off nearly all of the new shoots, as long as we don't get another one in a few weeks the vines should hopefully recover just fine just with a smaller crop. Regardless, the bright green nice looking vineyard is now pretty sad looking.

In exciting news I just planted around 100 onions! They should start sprouting in a few days, Yay!

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