Thursday, March 01, 2012

Hows my little free hat?

So here is a long shot of hope to my friends of the world. About a month ago I won a free hat! During our adventures in Boston my favorite Miz. Fuller took us to a Goorin Brothers hat store and we found ourselves +2 hats on our way out. Later I liked them on the Facebook and noticed they gave away a hat every Friday (as if Friday's weren't already great enough).

This particular Friday they challenged their faithful fans to write about an adventure with their Goorin hat. Since thus far my adventures have been quite limited as my hat was quite new. So I embellished some past adventures I've had at work and beyond for this story:

My first Goorin adventure was in Cambridge, MA. It came after a stop at Harpoon Brewery where we bought a growler of their delicious beer. We then carried the growler all over the city sight seeing and our last stop was Goorin Brothers for my first Goorin purchase. But the adventure won't end there. My Next adventure with the seaworthy hat is big. With my seaworthy hat I am going to wear it proudly at work where people will exclaim, "Gee Tony where did you get that sharp hat." I will tell them proudly as we are talking about the wines I have crafted, Goorin Brothers! and I will tell them of the many adventures I have had wearing this hat. Such as, I hand-picked 3 tons of grapes on the hottest day of the century wearing this hat, This hat protected my dignity when I was caught skinny dipping in the pond, This hat fell into a vat when I lost my footing on a ladder and nearly added my own musk to this wine, This hat protected me when the press exploded and shot skins and seeds at everyone, no one was hospitalized, This hat earned me 15% more tips, This hat stayed on my head as we willed a funnel cloud to pass over our heads, This hat has contributed to at least one thousand 'private moments', This hat saved me from showing my early receding hairline...early, This hat was there when I stumbled down the slippery slope when I was collecting Maple Sap, I didn't spill a drop, This hat was the only thing about me that looked good after I survived a trip to Las Vegas, This hat was there for me when I needed a darker place to nap after all of these adventures and the untold adventures as well. My friends will love my wine, my hat, and my adventures, they will return to hear more, see my hat, and they will be wearing their Goorin telling their stories long after my time has passed.

Sure enough out of 70+ stories they chose mine! I thought for sure I would loose to the one about the dogs but I didn't! 

So to my new friends at Goorin Brothers, thank you for giving me a free hat, armed with my bit of knowledge about how social marketing works I will make sure this $100 hatgift will broadcast a personal marketing scheme money can never buy. In fact It's already begun, my faithful few blogging friends will read this, not to mention the automatic upload to facebook. I meant it when I said I will proudly tell my customers at the winery where I got this hat. I'm no longer a fan of Goorin Brothers but an ambassador to the brand.

Thank you, and you're welcome.

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