Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hows my little kitchen rat?

Last Sunday I really felt like doing some sort of cooking activity that kept us busy all day. I came up with an idea of soup in a bread bowl. This was appropriate because we have resolved to make more soup and more bread, perfect! I started off the day by making some hockey pucks posing as cupcakes, which I thought were muffins until I found there was a icing recipe. They tasted alright but they didn't make the good breakfast that I was expecting with muffins.

The rest of the day we spent making our soup and bread bowls, in traditional fashion I failed on the bread bowls and Laura's soup shined brightly.

 We waited for a good two hours for the bread to rise and all it really did was spread out, sort of a let down considering we were making bowls. As I typed this I'm thinking maybe we should have put them in bowls to rise. Eventually I thought that they would rise in the oven like a cake, cupcake, or muffin even but instead we ended up with four bread scones.

Laura was the soup lady and she made us a tasty tomato soup from scratch. It was really cool because it tasted just like the soup from a can, but way tasty and easy! I think we will be making it again.

 The bread ended up being really tasty and and we learned that when using wheat flour one needs to add gluten to the mix for better results. Next time!

While we were waiting on the bread we also broke out our pasta roller and got our noodle on. Its a pretty neat process so I figured my fine followers would like to see it. We made some very not spinachy noodles, but they were green.
 It starts as a chunk of noodle bread, and gets flattened by our flattening device.
 We learned after our first time that you need to separate the noodles and liberally apply flour to keep them from fusing back together.
 Our instructions say, build the noodles into nests and freeze. This was our interpretation of that.
Laura made us a yummy sausage meal to accompany our noodles on a different day.

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