Friday, December 30, 2011

Hows my little holiday?

Christmas this year was very difficult to get into the spirit of and that familiar "Christmastime feeling" was completely absent. I tried too! Normally it just comes easy, the temperature drops, snow flies, I hear jingling bells in front of stores, and I lust at everyone's great Santa hats they wear. This year none of that happened! No matter how many times I listened to Michael Buble swoon me with his Christmas songs I just never felt it!

Our Tree was a near disaster from the beginning since we fought with it for over an hour just to get the thing to stand up. Eventually we tied it to the wall, and weighted the stand down with dumbbells. We cut it down without any snow on the ground let alone any in the forecast. We didn't drink our premium hot chocolate while decorating it, because we were both sweaty and mad at its stupid challenging crooked trunk. We had strong chocolate martinis instead.

As a whole our Christmas holiday celebrations went well this year. Although I just realized it was pretty much sibling free, which 20 years ago might have been great, but a bit sad since this was the first year of our "every other" with our whole families.

Since my parents are living here and there we got to hang out with them for a delightful afternoon of fun and headed over to a Christmas party later where I learned I should stay away from gross whiskey and coke. My highlight was throwing hatchets/knives in the basement, I've now decided I should take that up as a hobby to better prepare for the end of the world. Zombies or not.

For Christmas we headed up to the always delightful Washburn, Wisconsin to hang out with Laura's parents. We had tons of fun walking here and there, making the best gingerbread cookies ever (because they aren't rock hard even after a couple of days). Laura's family has a tradition of a snack supper on Christmas eve which was fantastic. Laura's Dad like every 5 year old decided we were opening presents then. So after our delicious meaty meal we opened our great gifts and digested. Laura and I saved a couple presents to open Christmas day because I just didn't feel right not saving any to open. For our dinner on Christmas we had Prime rib which Tim cooked phenomenally, I got a giant cut of it and savored the entire thing. I love me some Prime rib.

Yesterday we took down our tree, which is a bit early for us but since that whole christmas feeling never really arrived, and we had a healthy fear that the dumbells on the tree stand and the string tied to the wall weren't going to hold forever.

I really miss snow.

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