Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hows my little Whiskey drinker?

For my birthday this year Laura got me a new bottle of whiskey and I have been very excited to stage a whiskey sampling with what I have on hand to compare it with the new stuff. Its also a great way for me to sample a bunch of different ones next to each other to find out what I like best or least. So for you whiskey fans out there read on. Our selection is limited but a healthy variety. Unfortunately I just got a new tasty rye whiskey this week that didn't make the sampling.

My goal was to set up the sampling in order of smooth drinking to ground shaking bite. I was pretty darn close in my guess too.

Jameson 18 year
Light, smooth, creamy, a hint of spice and licorice, delightful! no whiskey burn but can feel the alcohol heat.

Laura's Take:
I actually don't mind it! Leaves a good aftertaste in my mouth.

Laura got me the 18 year for my birthday last year and it is phenominal. I recommend that everyone who likes whiskey to try this someday in their life. Especially since I'm going to polish mine off pretty soon. I love the idea of this whiskey having been aged in a barrel for 18 years. If I rewind my life to 18 years previous to my 26th birthday I would have been 8 years old. That would have put me in Mrs. Tokle's 2nd grade classroom where I met my first black friend ever. I rode the bus to school, and spent almost every moment I could playing outside with my best friend and neighbor Colin Jensen. What else happened that year? Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced for life in prison. Hurricane Andrew smashed its way through Florida. The pope formally apologized for the inquisition of Galileo. Bill Clinton was elected president. CDs overtook cassettes as the preferred medium for music purchases. The mall of America opened its doors for business, and I watched with jealousy kids playing in LEGOland on TV. Its amazing to think that during those events there was a cask full of Irish Whiskey sitting in a barrel awaiting my consumption.
Woodford Reserve
Surprisingly boozey, a nice smooth start and finish, very little burn.

Laura's Take:
It wasn't bad, but it burned a little bit, but a good burn.

Crown Royal Black
Super smooth, raw oak aroma and flavor. Easily smoother than Woodford.

Laura's Take:
It smells like a sauna.

George Dickel Barrel Select
Peppery and sawdust, has the most bite thus far. Solidly tasty.

Laura's Take:
It was ok, it tastes very alcoholy.

Jack Daniels
Tastes like banana's and goes down smooth and easy. No burn at all, probably should have been drank after the crown.

Laura's Take:
That's actually good! Surprising!

Four Roses Single Barrel 2011
Woah! Really great flavor, a very strong alcohol singe all over my mouth.

Laura's Take:
Burns the buds, but tasty.

This was my birthday present this year. A special limited edition Whiskey from Four Roses. Laura and I visited this distillery a few years ago but it was closed and we were sad. One of the best parts of this whiskey is that it is limited edition and STRONG! You have to burn off the top layer of your taste buds to truly enjoy sipping this one, but it's totally worth it. I love the handwriting on the bottle.
This whiskey is also 12 years old and once again I love to think about what was happening 12 years ago when I had no interest in alcohol or its consumption. Which would have put me in 1999. I would have finished 8th grade at Chippewa Middle School and Started my Freshman year at Mounds View High. I learned a lot about friendship that year and began solidifying friendships I still maintain to this day. I Also played football and managed to make the basketball team. What else happened while this whiskey was being born? Dr. "Death" Jack Kevorkian was convicted of murder (wrongfully if you ask me). Columbine High School Tragedy. I found and fell in love with a little program called Napster. I began my hatred for Britney Spears' music and learned I liked rock and roll, and listened to Kid Rock, Limp Bizkit, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and The Offspring. I sneaked into the Blair Witch Project, Loved the matrix, and idled through The Phantom Menace. An interesting year happened around this fresh charred oak barrel.

Jim Beam
Smooth but something of a strange flavor. Much more harsh compared to the other 80 proof drinks. My stance on using Jim as a mixer is upheld.

Laura's Take:
Not awful.

As you can see I will never become a professional drink blogger, because my descriptive words are nonexistent. I hope you enjoyed my small foray into the world of beverage blogging. I enjoyed myself and got even more excited that Laura learned that she can tolerate the wonderful world of whiskey!

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