Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hows my little scent?

One day when Laura and I first started shopping together I asked if she wanted to run to the store and get some shampoo. She must have thought it would be a quick trip and agreed. After she watched me sniff nearly every bottle of shampoo and shampoo + conditioner she nearly lost it and she's never stood in the shampoo isle with me since then. Ten minutes later we left with my chosen "product" in hand.

Fast forward to recently. Have you ever wondered, if you were a super sniffer and were quite sensitive to the aromas of the world, could you imagine the cacophony of smells every individual reeks of?

On a typical Day I leave for work smelling like:
Fruit Extract, Glacial Water, Deep Sea Mint, Menthol, Fragrace Free (Yet a very nice perfume smell), Wilderness, Open Air, Freedom, Sunflower Oil, Chamomile, Cocoa, Radiant Mint, Iceberg Mint, Jojoba, Fresh Scent, and Outdoor Fresh

Think of all the things you put on your body that smell:
Face Wash
Soap/Body Wash
Shaving Cream
-After Shave
Hand Soap
-Laundry Detergent
-Dryer Sheet
Hair Products
-Hairspray, Mouse, Gel, Ect...

If you're going outdoors, throw some sunscreen, bug spray, and Aloe on your person for good measure, and its no wonder people attract mosquitoes.

What about those unscented people? You can't tell me they are little slices of scentless heaven, because in a world of Fabuloso, Pledge, Dish Soap, Bleach, Sweat, Ammonia, Dirty Dish Rags, Pets, Gasoline, 24D, Mineral Oil, Scotch Guard, Candles and Incense there are scents you just cant avoid absorbing. This of course leaving out any food smells you might be leaking (beans, asparagus, garlic, rum, old person, ect.) Not to mention there really might only be one truly fragrance free product out there and at this point its probably not worth it. Plus think about it, look at the ingredient list of an unscented product, there is no way that the factory they make it in smells only like B.O. Grease, oil, and Concrete. No those places reek of 20 different chemicals, one of them being a fragrance or another chemical to dull the other odors. Its a bunch of crap if you ask me.

So my question is, where is the company marketing the all in one? The company that has several choices of different scent lines that include everything on my list and more all in one package. Has it been done? Do people really enjoy all of the different smells they apply on themselves and thus stink of? I guarantee there is no one out there who matches their perfume with their mousse and maybe its about time to consider it.

Of course a product like that will never work in this world of more, how could a slogan "smell like just one thing" work.


  1. I was on a hike once when a couple walked by and smelled strongly of dryer sheets. It was a bit jarring. Also, we don't use dryer sheets. We use tin foil balls because we prefer the smell of cheap metal to "mountain breeze."

    P.S. You consider old person food?

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