Sunday, May 08, 2011

Hows my little Haircut? #1

Ladies and gentlemen my hair has not been cut in well over six months. It is beyond the point of annoying and I am thrilled to announce it will be hacked, in its entirety, this weekend. Right down to the skin.

To celebrate my haircut saga I will be rocking a new hairstyle each day this week and showing you right here.

The most obvious place to show the progression is the beginning.

Here you will notice my long mane. For some reason my hair gets curly around the back of my head and about four inches out from the top. It also hangs out in my eyeballs, ears, and face far too much.

Laura loves to play with my long hair. I hate it.
She puts it behind my ear which is probably the worst thing next to wet socks. Her next favorite thing is to try and put it into a pony tail. Which as you can see is quite disgusting.

The real bane of my lengthy locks is the fact that I have to comb it every morning to tame its poofy characteristics. The added 35 seconds to my morning routine blows.
I'm sure I'm not getting any sympathy right now.

By now you might be wondering (if you even care), why on earth are you growing this terrible mess on your head.

This is not the answer:
"Long, thick and healthy hair is frequently a sign of fertility and youth. As hair grows slowly, long hair reveals several years of a person's health status and reproductive fitness."

But I will show you in several days.

Just know, I won't be doing this again anytime soon.

Ooh! I almost forgot, if you have any style requests that don't involve cutting, send me an idea.


  1. coolio style hair, circa 1996.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This one reminds me of Scott Jurek. Maybe all of the running is going to your hair.
