Sunday, March 06, 2011

Hows my little goat?

BockFest 2011 was a great success by any standard. It was fun, the beer was good, the food was good, people were tied up, someone barfed, and there was fire.

The day started out with a tasting of the 5 homebrewed Bock Beers. I was very excited that all of the beers we sampled were delightful. I ranked mine last. Nathan's brew won the grand BockFest prize of a giant Beer Stein! Everyone was very excited for him since it was his first brew he made on his own. My beer failed to carbonate in time for the event due to many reasons, I also forgot to get it chilled in time, two big negative strikes, my brew earned last.

During this time we ate and ate and ate. Some of my favorites were a cheesy pretzel and this pocket of food thing that was amazing. There were tons of good desserts too which I munched on all night as well. Laura made a delicious Potato salad that I really wish we could have had tons of leftovers.

After the tasting we broke out the penis stick and began caramelizing our bocks. As the night wore on and the copper began heating more thoroughly we got some really great caramel flavors from the beer. My favorite part was the warm caramel head and the cold body.

Next up was one of my favorite parts, the obstacle course around our house. It involved hopping, spinning, blindfolds, and some knots. It was done in pairs and we had a really fun time watching people navigate a simple figure 8 dizzy and blindfolded balancing a beer on a tray. Ryan and Jana won the grand prize of two Paulner 16 oz. beers.

The weather didn't cooperate with us the best and it was cold and windy (it didn't rain!!) but the fire prevailed and the heaters we had in the garage were a great help. I actually really enjoyed the bit of snow we had falling around us as we were standing around the fire, it made a great atmosphere for the evening.

Since everyone had a great time I think we will try and make the second annual BockFest happen in 2012.

I'll see you there with your beer and food!

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