Sunday, February 06, 2011

Hows my little epic shift?

About two weeks ago Laura and I made a decision that will no doubt impact our lives for a long, long time to come.

I have been presented with a unique opportunity where hobby and career can meet, and have taken a job as an assistant Winemaker at the Vineyard near our home called Sleepy Creek. And I couldn't be more excited about it. I start the 15th.

I've been asked lots of questions about what I'm going to do and really, I'm not sure, which is a bit thrilling. I know what goes into making wine at my house but anything outside of that, I'm completely clueless, and that's one of the most exciting parts, the learning.

What I do know is I will be learning just about every aspect of winemaking, I'll also be able to rock some of my design skills for some marketing work and other exciting things. I know that I'm going to be on my feet mostly and not clicking my mouse several thousand times a day. I also know I am going to become a pro at making dirty things clean.

One of my favorite parts about my job to be is the location, in Oakwood nothing is close to us except this place, and now I can bike to work daily. My commute has shrank from 25 minutes by car to 15 minutes (or less) by bicycle.

The decision was actually tough, in early January I was offered a new position within my company. I was still a designer, but in a different part of the company doing more exciting work. I got my own office, a comfier chair, a closet I didn't know what to do with, and a shelf that I put a can of peanuts on once. My co-workers were fantastic and open to ideas, and in general it was a large improvement over what I had been doing. A few days later a rare chance popped into my life and said, HEY! You'll regret this if you don't take me, I listened. Comic Sans resigned me as of Friday the 4th.

Laura has been kind enough to allow me to have a week off between jobs. I plan on doing very little each day, with the exception of making delicious meals for my lovely wife each night. I also plan on tackling some sort of new adventure each day. Tomorrow's Adventure, a duck.

1 comment:

  1. i keep reading the title as "epic shit" and then am disappointed cause this post has nothing about poop!

    but today i finally figured it out. SHIFT.
