Monday, June 08, 2009

Hows my little round-up?

Wow I have lots to fill everyone in on so Bullets are going to be the form today.

* Last week Laura and I saw Wicked. Holy cow it was great! I wasn't sure what to expect but it exceeded it for sure.

* I got Green Day's New album 21st Century Breakdown - I was genuinely disappointed with it on my first round of listening, but after I gave it a break and tried again I found that I really liked a lot of the tracks. They could have probably left out like 4 or 5 songs and still had a good lineup at 13ish tracks.

* Unrelated - I really hate secret tracks on albums now. I hate even more when they are stuck onto a really good song that happens to be last. So to that I want to give a big Fuck You to The Black Eyed Peas for that shit at the end of My Humps, Velvet Revolver for the twangy bullshit at the end of Gravedancer, and Dave Matthews for Tacking on that nice yet unrelated little jazzy thing at the end of You & Me. Ugh.

* Related I also got the New Dave Matthews Band Album, I'm a fan, I think. I haven't given it that break and listen again yet so I'll do that soon and get back to those who care.

* My headstone I made a while back apparently was a big hit and they cut it and it's in Colorado! There is a certain someone I know who lives nearby who should check it out.

* On Friday night I hosted my very first intro to wine/tasting! I rocked! Lots of people said they enjoyed it and it made me pretty happy to hear that. Though the most rewarding thing was later at dinner one of the tasters ordered his favorite flavor from the tasting to drink with his meal! Yeah!

* Port is still not my favorite.

* This weekend Laura and I headed up to Mad-Town for some rockin' good times with some good folks up there. I climbed a tree. It was also kind of weird to see people out running around since it is such an active city. Pretty sure there are only 2 runners here in Oakwood.

* The garden Looks Great!

* My Rain Barrel is complete and it rocks!

* I feel old because I'm trying to tend my lawn.

* There are no peach trees in Peach Tree City.

* Tonight I fixed our toilet, I kid you not these were the instructions for Installing the new flusher valve thing: Insert the Ballcock into the hole after you have fitted it with the rubber seal and Screw. This was before I chained up the flapper to properly cover the exit hole.

1 comment:

  1. Now your call makes sense! Are there Oaks in Oakwood?
