Sunday, May 03, 2009

Hows my little accident?

My actual log posted on the Geocaching Webpage:


In a weird afternoon of stomach churning I had been holding back some flatulence I was weary of being more than just that. While doing some bushwhacking to find this cache the rest of my team found some stinging nettles and abdicated the hunt through the forest to the groomer but I bravely pressed on. Of course on my own I decided to do as any solo worried farter would do, I emitted a Test fart. FOUND IT! I shouted, no response. All by myself I let loose a quick string of quick sharp bangs. While I was worried about catching up to my team I quickly signed the log , which was soaked (foreshadowing perhaps?) replaced the cache, and scampered off only to realize my underpants were not as comfy as they had been before. Not good.

I promise to give thanks for boxer briefs and convenient public restrooms. It was an embarrassing uncomfortable mess. After a donation to the trash and some more humiliation from the soap-less facilities, we decided to make a commando march back to our vehicle to head home for a shower. TFTC it won't be one I'll forget soon.

1 comment:

  1. StaabingWestward5/09/2009 5:17 AM

    Haha, oh wow. This is why I read your blog Tony. Gross, entertaining, and revealing!

    Also, I looked up some more... Whisker biscuit and Jerusalem artichoke were on the list -- WTF?
