Monday, April 06, 2009

Hows my little digger?

This weekend I decided, Hey, I have a shovel, potential garden space, grass covering it and a chunk of lawn without grass. Hmmmm I think.

Oooh! I'm going to dig up the grass and place it on the dirt patch and have a new grassy spot and a new dirt spot for my soon to be garden! Sweet! After about 3 hours of back destroying labor I moved approximately 3 square feet of grass and threw in the towel.

Nature: 1
Tony's bright money saving Ideas: 0
Bag of grass seed: $7

I got my farmers tan started on Saturday and this morning this is what I saw!?

Now I know I can't complaing, but we have little leafs on many trees down here, you can understand I'm sure.

Note: the sad and lonely patch of dirt in the back. Also note my neighbor's shitty ugly car on a trailer...grr.


  1. You are getting too old too fast down there. Seriously fatty, you are complaining about your neighbor. Mind: blown.
