Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hows my little complicated simplification?

Now that I am a mostly responsible adult I'm starting to figure out what I want to do with my life and my time. For example considering the future, I don't see myself living in this area for the rest of my life, I would like to go back to school (in another country for sure, screw studying abroad I'm doing it right this time) and get a degree in something that truly intrigues me and would love nothing but to spend the remainder of my days enjoying that sort of thing. I've already looked up the requirements for a Master Sommelier as well as a degree in wine making. I'm still undecided, because I do like being outside, and I prefer to make decisions rather than follow orders.

Also in thinking about my time and life I've been thinking about what I can cut out from it to help me enjoy life to the fullest (more than I already do). So I'm going to attempt to simplify my life. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to do that, but some things are going to be to cut out things I only sort of like and do. This will be a tricky thing to do but I am going to be thinking hard about these things.

I'm considering getting rid of my car.
I refuse to live my life one day of work at a time.
I'm going to be a gadget guru not collector. (hah!)
I'm going to stay connected.
I'm going to make more wine and beer. From scratch.
I'm going to read just as much or more.
I'm going to stop my procrastination habit. Later.
I'm going to become really good at something.
I'm going to give up something to become good a something else.
I'm going to make a garden and weed it.
I'm going to get rid of junk I don't use or need.
I'm going to continue my path to organization.
I'm going to vacation more, and spend less to do it.
I'm going to tap my creativity reserves in a different way.
I'm going to Simplify.

1 comment:

  1. First...I am happy to see that you have a list of things to do...instead of a list of "nots" Since you can't do a "not". Curious...give up the car?...buying a horse instead? That could provide transportation, keep the grass short, thereby eliminating the need for mowing and save time for other activities and provide fertilizer for your garden. A win in three ways!
