Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hows my little Rug?

As a homeowner now Laura and I have been excited about doing some exciting things with the decor of our home. Sadly on a freshly graduated budget its tricky to do, but possible! One of our biggest hang-ups has been we have absolutely no shelving anywhere outside of the kitchen and bathroom, and those areas are accounted for since the previous owner must have strictly believed shelves and/or built-in storage to be vessels for demons. So we are trying other methods, one includes me knocking one of two photos from the top of the TV every other week.

Aside from this challenge we are trying to Coรถrdinate our furniture with our walls and other peices, this is going relativly well except we have a massive amount of brown in our living room, between the two couches, the floor and other wooden things. An easy way to escape that? A rug!

Now our current setup isn't so bad except somehow during the move the rug got some sort of permanent bump in it which actually grows at night so it can trip our groggy feet after less than three minutes of awake time. This is a problem. Now don't get me wrong, old green has been through some good years of being tread on. Easily the most useful $10 I have ever left on the floor.

Tony, where are you going with this?


This ugly floral laden wreck mass makes up approximately 89% of the rugs on the market right now somewhere in our price range.

95% of the remaining rugs look like this one:

An excellent rug you might say, a nice post-modern design, asmetrical, a hint of mystery and intrigue, with a dash of "I'm better than you because I have a rug with a very simple design you traditionalist you"I would find this among many other similar rugs following a modern geometry sequence and many other rugs in between. And let me tell you first. I love these 11% of existing rugs, very much in fact. But they are all GODDAMNED BROWN!!!! WHAT THE FUCK RUG MAKERS??? DON'T YOU HAVE A COLOR PALLATTEE TO WORK WITH???

I mean seriously. I can buy a couch that is any color in the rainbow, with the exception of lime green (Although I bet one exists) I have at least 40 Choices of light blue I can paint, but either Brown, Red, or disgusting floral to place on my floor. Why? WHY! I crave a blue rug with a hint of ocean waves, or some lines inspired by lilies, hell give me lavender with a little texture, SOMETHING MORE THAN BROWN.

Now I'm a reasonable man, I can accept that brown is a natural color for the floor, after all, most dirt is brown and a busy pattern on a rug camoflauges that up nicely. But I live with Laura Davis, dirt could write us a post-card and we would read it outside, I love it, my feet are always pink. We are prepared to handle simple, and vibrant.

So what do I want?
This one would do just fine in blue. Thank you.


  1. Fatty, I am convinced that rugs can completely change a room's mood. I love them. A lot.

    Some sites you might enjoy:

    (At Target you can shop by color)

    Good luck!

  2. Thanks for the tips exploring will commence. This is why we are friends.
