Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hows my little Vollied?

Ever played mud volleyball?
Laura and I took an opportunity this weekend to get down and dirty with some strangers to bang a ball over a net. I recommend playing in the mud to anyone who hasn't lately.

So here's the gist
First we hop in and got our legs dirty.

Then you try and dodge any sort of splash...especially if you're next to the biggest guy on the team.

You'll end up a little muddy.

If you kick the other teams run the risk of getting tackled, while in the pit.

But most of all, have fun!



  1. ahhh.... for the love of the small town and it's glorious activities! I'm jealous, we would have loved playing mud volleyball.

  2. Ooooohhhh, I see it now Fatty! You have a gut...and man boobs? You weren't lying!

    Just kidding, you look svelte, sexy, and dirty as ever.

  3. 15 pounds ms. fuller 15 pounds.
