Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hows my little cover story?

I am a (fairly) new fan of Bock beer. In Particularly New Glarus's Uff-da variety. So God damned good and smooth. As for wine I'm infatuate with Garnache(a)s at the moment.

Whoever told me about:

I think it was a class I was sitting in on I would like to extend my gracious thanks to them. At work I rock out to them with a steady stream of music I love and never heard of. I filled two post-its with bands and recently acquired several new albums of hopefully soon to be favorites while perusing my new Rolling Stone.

Suddenly I came to a new realization.
One, now that I live halfway to Tennessee I am determined to go to Bonaroo next summer or the following.

Two, there is too much good music in the world for me to gather and love.

Example, within three pages of rolling stone I heard all about a band I've never heard of (my morning jacket) somehow figured out I should get more Andrew Bird, and gaffed at my lack of Rush on my computer (of 15k I have 0) and then realized if it weren't for the Armageddon soundtrack I would have 0 journey songs rather than one.

What the hell do I have on my computer then? lots, but I'm really excited to be adding korpiklaani to the mix.

These damn thoughts have left me to think of something...

Stop getting more and appreciate what you have.


kind of.

Illinois realization.
Very few people give a shit about the environment. Did you know Styrofoam (<- Read this wiki!) never ever biodegrades? As the onion headline I read so truthfully puts it, Woman re-united with her 60 year old Styrofoam cup.

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