Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hows my little Decision?

Well folks I've had it.

Lately I've just been in a downward spiral with school (going to class, homework, ect.) my UROP is too demanding, if you pile in my work with Late Night Kirby as well as me trying to find a job and maintaining a long distance relationship you can obviously see that I've got a lot on my plate right now. So I've decided to cut out some of the fat. I've learned enough of the programs and principals at school and the last few weeks are going to be just too stressful to deal with. I've decided that I think I can safely stop going and get a good job as a jr. designer somewhere in the country. I've decided to stop going to classes and just find a job full time and to be honest it makes the most sense right now. Finding a job seems to be the most important thing to me right now finishing school at this point just seems to be a formality. I've even made it more official on facebook by joining the Minnesota alum network.

To those who have helped me reach this decision thank you for your support.

[a failed april fool]


  1. Ahh! You scared me! Not going to school seems like a terrible idea. Don't scare me like that again!

  2. failed! you had me going the whole time. jesus. now that my breathing is back to it's regular pace. i hate you. jrfgrestheskthet2q58725rq2477.

  3. that definitely was not a failed april fool. pretty sure you had all of us.

  4. The men have now put the paddles away which restarted my heart...however your Dad is still being revived...even Chip has his paws over his head in disbelief. Buffy said she would go on a diet if you continued with classes and Tipper, well, she was more concerned about a morning nap. Got to admit it...you had us going on this one!
