Thursday, March 06, 2008

hows my little new one?

For those of you who don't know already, I am a Flogging Molly fanatic. I've seen em live (7 times) I own all their albums in some way and even got the great chance to meet the folks! Yesterday Flogging Molly Came out with a new full length album, Float. I didn't have time to get it then so I got it today.

Do you care about my fist review? probably not, but here it is anyway. For those of you who liked their energy in all of their tunes you still have it. For the folks who have become big ol fans...You'll notice something different. Maybe it was the giant sticker calling this album important, or maybe it is my newly acquired bit of actually listening to words in the first few listens but all I can hear is a band who has matured.

Matured is a giant difference over aged. Matured they have, aged they haven't. If you weren't a fan before this album just might help push you towards them, the songs are laden with feeling and a driving adjective I can't put my finger on. The production sound is significantly greater than any other album, the vocals crisp each instrument defined. For a seven piece band its impressive. The songs have a bit more reservation in them than before but I can still feel the energy that would pulse through me when performed live that I'm sure I will never forget.

Altogether float is a wonderful album, buy it if you like flogging molly. If you don't find it somewhere else and see them live because it will be even better then.

1 comment:

  1. Flogging Molly is headlining at Irish Fair in August! It's August 8-10. Mark you calendar.
