Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hows my little SUPER TUESDAY!!!!!!?

Hey Hey!
Super Tuesday has come and gone and where has it left us?
Well McCain has Solidified his candidacy for the republicans (thank god). Those democrats have pushed Hillary ahead of Mr. Obama. Is that a good thing? Sure if you are over 30 years old. Those of us under 30 have come out in droves in support of Obama.

So this super Tuesday has been pretty great. For an assignment I was coaxed into either watching 90 min of it on TV (BLEAH) or participate. While class was being stupid and in session my peers and neighbors were out letting delegates know who they should cast their should vote for. I myself would have chosen this route but sadly class is/was important.

So after 2 hours of watching the coverage what did I learn?
I like whiskey sours and WGN loves their Obama.

Really though. I watched 5 of the main(/only) candidates give their respective super Tuesday speeches tonight and it was amazing to see the differences between the each of them. My words come from not just CNN or BBC for that matter. It comes from good old fashioned C-Span, PBS, WGN, CBS, and the Northland News Station Channel 6.

Critical of the current administration. Positive of their future success. Reducing foreign oil dependence. Says this government is spending too much (they are all right)

Hillary - SUPER critical of the war in Iraq, Gung-ho on health insurance for everyone including children, Thinks Bill and Chelsae are pretty great. Her mom was born before women could vote, now she is running for president, pretty cool.

Obama - Only running (realistic) dem referred in his last name, very similar to Hillary, WGN wouldn't shut up about his greatness, his adage emphasizes change, Embraces cleaner energy, Thinks chicago is the shit.

Mitt - Charismatic, Charismatic, Charismatic, spoke about values, immagration, he lead his speech like a baptist minister I see on TV. Dear lord he is charismatic(or is it egotistical?).

McCain - The most soft spoken republican...ever? Talks a lot about change and progress, he is such a moderate republican that he might not even count for the blues.
Oh wait, he still likes, no loves the war in Iraq...I forgot about that one, he also compares himself to Regan, apparently people older than me care.

Huckabee - likes the fair tax plan (plans on Killing the IRS), thinks he has a chance becuase he has a handful of states in the south. I heart Huckabees.

Happy Fat Tuesday.


  1. When MPR described Huckabee's tax plan, the word "magic" was used. I don't think our government funding issues will be solved by magic. Unless we vote for Harry Potter.

    Potter/Weasly '08!

  2. did you hear that mccain might want pawlenty for his running mate? wtf is that shit??

  3. pawlenty is a republican

  4. well yes pawlenty is a republican, but he's also CRAZY. and, aside from that whole "loving war" thing that i was not aware of, mccain seems relatively NOT CRAZY.
