Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hows my little 2,000+ mile vaykay?

Alrighty I am past due on this one sorry folks.
Tony, what have you been doing these past few weeks?
Well I'll tell ya. I left you off at the End of our Indiana trip so a bunch of stuff has happened since then so I'll do my very best to keep it brief.

*We hung out with the family for some lunch and then headed up to madison to check out Laura's new crib, its nice.

*The next day we went to Noah's arc and had a fantastically excellent time the weather was perfect for the rides, it was about 68 and rainy so we had absolutely no lines we did all of the really fun ones a bunch and had free wet suit rentals they were nice and toasty. we continued up to Duluth that night.

*The next day we slept in and got everything ready for the next day, Boundrywaters day one!

*conveniently Laura and I have completely forgotten about day one, but if you ask me about maps, poop, steak, or chewie bars my memory may be jogged a bit.

*The rest of the trip was super fun and REEEEALLY relaxing, I started and finished a newberry prize book because I was in the mood It was called The House of the Scorpion

*on the last day we saw and listened to a couple of moose, it was really great.

*We got back and ate at hell's kitchen, my bison chuck steak was a solid OK Laura had the best burger I think I have ever eaten in a restaurant. I want to give them a second chance. I would consider going there for a drink if they had a happy hour.

*I worked and Laura packed the whole week not too much excitement, aside from...

*I adopted a kitten! she is black and becoming friendly, and very cute, I am going to name her Jinx. off to the vet sometime this week to get her all fixed and to run over a health bonus!

*This weekend was fun, I helped Laura move to Madison, but before we went we headed over to Washburn and played on her parent's boat as well as eating some good food. I even dug up some potatoes!

*The trip in Madison wasn't too eventful We had an excellent dinner and broke some stuff and got lost and dehydrated, aside from that it was great!

*Tonight I am back in Duluth, and will be missing my cuddle buddy I got so used to over the summer.

Yay! it was a fantastic way to end the summer and I relaxed recharged the batteries and am all set for a busy semester in school! I hate to say I am looking forward to classes, but damnit I like what I do in school now and don't mind one bit. So with this post comes the conclusion of the summer so expect a post-summer re-cap on my goals that I set back in april!

1 comment:

  1. If you like what you do, you will do it well regardless if it is well done. da
