Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hows my little life?

Its good today.

Life is good in general. I've noticed I haven't really given a Tony's life update in a while. Well, I reiterate it is good. I have been pretty damn busy, this is one of the first times in a long time I've had a chance to scroll through all of my fellow blogger links at once in a while.

So the burning question; Tony, What have you been up to?
Response (bulleted):
*Well the full time job sucks up about 40ish hours each week.
*I just finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (it was wonderful)
*My part time job is going really really well! I made a brochure and possibly have secured the position for the Late Night Kirby Shirt design. Last week I spent 13 additional hours working for them.
*I have been seeing lots of good movies with Laura.
*I still haven't heard back from my water pictures and that 'job'.
*I got run over by a kid and his Cherokee while coming back from work. I'm fine only a little scrape on my ankle, although since my bike had a flat I was riding Laura's in the meantime. The damages alone are worth more than my bike but about half of what Laura's was worth. The kid has been very kosher and is paying it all.
*I am making another batch of wine, it will be called Scarlet Caboose and is a Cabernet Sauvingon (sarah this will probably be your favorite of the wines I've made) and it is deeeeeeelicious, donations accepted.
*laura and I are going on a two week vacation in a week and can't wait to really relax for the first time in ages. The destinations: Indiana, Madison, Noah's Arc, BWCA
*I have been contemplating the phrase "these are the best times of your life" lately.
*The AC in my car went out, got fixed for a few minutes and went out again. Lame. My windshield wipers got in a fight and one broke the other. More Lame.

At the beginning of the summer I found myself in a rut of the same 'ol same 'ol daily and tried to break from it, I think I have done an excellent job of it and that is quite excellent.

I have so far read 4 books this summer including, The BFG, Kite Runner, Life of Pi, and Harry potter. I am hoping to move on to Deception Point by Dan Brown, and another one called Middlesex. Reading this good fiction has been very refreshing. Oh and I will recommend all of these books to the curious.

I have also watched so little TV I am having trouble justifying paying for even the basic cable.

I have also reaffirmed how much I positively hate, wait, loathe the heat. for 5 nights in a row I slept naked and no sheets because I was sweating from lying down, that my friends, no matter how you cut it, is intolerable.

Thats about it, my life as of late, I think it will calm down a bit when school starts in a month. Ciao!


  1. I read the Kite Runner this summer and I cried and cried and cried. It was absolutely fantastic.

    Umm, I can't believe you got run over by a car. That is fucking ridiculous and I"m glad to hear you're alive.

    I'm writing this from a Mac store in Chicago...a city that I have completely and utterly fallen in love with.

    Have the best vacation ever. Sleep and laugh and adventure like only the fat can.

