Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hows my little busy beaver?

This week I started my new job with Late Night Kirby!
I also started Harry Potter!
I also will have put in 42 hours of "real work"
and another, taking pictures for a "job" aka resume builder
let me know what you think!

All these things on my mind right now is really keeping me busy!


  1. tell us more! i'm excited about your new job... i want the details. also, you read harry potter?? yay!!! i'm almost done. i had a voldemort inspired dream last night... it was weird.

    see you soon?

  2. tony, i am continually impressed with and inspired by your photos. congrats on the job, let me know your thoughts on potter (i finished!!), anddddd..... i miss you.

  3. These are great...I am torn between 1 and 4 as my favorites. I think 4. Excellent work!
