Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hows my little interweb?

I am finally starting to understand just how to go about making a website, for me it involves and Idea, a Plan, and then A LOT of work. Yesterday I sat down in the library for what I was expecting to be an easy 3 or 4 hour hack session at the computer. Little did I know that making a little portion of my web site scroll and click out to another picture was going to be so hard, but with the help of the lovely Anniemosity and her wonderful understanding of all that is .html I was able to prevail.

This site is considerably better than the last one I think, it's still the same principal but its quite decent. After sitting down at the computer at 3pm I left around 12am with a sore back but a sense of accomplishment. I want to know what you think, about everything, my profolio is a bit more extensive as well as a bonus part that was needed to fulfill this assignment under the Tony! link.

Like always be honest.


  1. i love to help you, with your cute screenshots with all the arrows.

    i like the layout. the only thing i would say is down in the frame.html area, there's that blue border around the thumbnail photo links. i don't like it, but that's a personal thing.

    i like the logo on the front page quite a bit.

    i also like the picture you used for your contact page. if i were fourteen, i would put an emoticon in here.

  2. also that photo of the lift bridge is AWESOME.

  3. I like it...I thought the first one had a picture of you on the first screen. It was a neat picture! I like the logo on this!

  4. http://minnesota.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2276044&l=46cc3&id=13905856

  5. Cool website!!! Is there anyway that after you look at your portfolio in the window that you can go back to the home page without hitting back a bunch of times? For lazy american's like myself this is a make or break function!

  6. Nice overall look. Like the cleanliness we've got here. I would suggest eliminating the scroll bars when possible, such as in the thumbnail frame the Vertical scroll seems unnecessary if you make that box a little taller. Too many scrolls are clumsy.

    Like the work, like the look. Clean it up a little more and you're ship shape.
