Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hows my little Hypertext Markup Language?

This summer I need to learn three things more than I do now.


Four things If my legs fall off:

These things are to create more opportunities for one thing:

A Job.

This job would be for designing web pages, It seems like just about every description I've read in the past few weeks requires some knowledge of one of these acronyms (flash not included). Sadly while in class right now my bare knowledge of HTML is really killing me while making my various portfolio sites. A portfolio that needs work I sadly found out last night..oh dear. I have a lot to do before I finish school next year.


  1. mr. aaron j. smith is fluent in css and will teach for beer. he is also a very good teacher.

  2. I used be a "web designer". What I did was buy templates from, change the names and charge em for it. You could always bend the rules a little too.

  3. Thanks for the rec, and the compliment. Tony, in your case it would be some of that delicious wine of yours.

    I also know Flash and Actionscript besides CSS, but AJAX? Shit, that's like superhero shit, so cutting edge right now that the original developers of the code have no clue what it does. I love the stuff.

  4. I mean, thanks ANNE for the rec and compliment. I forget to direct my thanks.
