Monday, April 09, 2007

Hows my little 2,000+ mile weekend?

I thought driving here was a long ass haul for a weekend, but to drive my ass to Indiana for a weekend...borderline too much driving.

This weekend I grabbed Laura my Sister and her friend Clare and we road-tripped ourselves down to Indiana for some good ol fun family, and food. It was a big step for Laura because it was meet the parents weekend, She did really well for herself, yay!

We headed down to the cities Thursday night and woke ourselves up at 4:30 Friday morning and headed down through empty corn fields and that was fun. My leg of the driving was pretty uneventful. The sunrise was very nice. Laura picked up the driving at the Illinois border and promptly got us headed in the wrong direction (if you ask her though she would blame me for not telling her where we were going)

In Indiana we met with my Grandpa and had dinner, i ordered a drink called a 'Peachy Pooh' and my Grandpa wouldn't let me forget that the whole weekend. We played a hardy game of trivial pursuit and although Laura and I made an excellent comeback we lost to arch-rival 'douche-ball' Clare and Amanda. Mom and Dad are not good at pop-culture we learned. The next day we putzed around for awhile waiting for Jon and Peter to show up, after they got there we kids decided to take my Dad's new 4-wheeler toy out to play.

I took Laura around this little ATV play area first then I went back to get my sister and Peter for their round, peter and I hopped off and I instructed Amanda on how best to manage this little turn on a hill and sent her on her way. I am starting to think we should have practiced driving a little bit more before this because she went a little too fast and turned not quite enough and ended up getting thrown off the 4-wheeler, rolling like a professional stunt double into a tree all while sending the barreling (two week old) ATV smashing into a tree. It was quite a spectacle, I thought for sure she was going to be breaking the ATV's roll but it stayed up and thanks to her helmet and excellent rolling skills she managed to come out with a bruise the size of a quarter, and a really stiff ass.

After this little adventure I found out that I don't enjoy pushing 4-wheeler's as much as I like riding them. I also learned that a winch is probably the greatest invention ever when you pair it with an 800 pound 4-wheeler with a very long, steep, and loosely packed hill.

After we got back to the house we had an egg hunt and laura kicked my ass in her findings so she is going to take me out to a movie. Then we poured some drinks to calm Amanda's nerves back to normal and had our delightful dinner with some very hilarious company.

Driving back was not eventful, except that I re-affirmed that I hate stopping every hour for bathroom breaks. I hate it a lot.

Altogether Indiana was good, Laura managed to impress my parents, my dad now has a new project to fix at the house, and we are all a little fatter from eating so many desserts and crappy junk food in the car. Good 'ol family weekend.

1 comment:

  1. The parts to the 4 wheeler are now laying all over the garage floor. Looks rather amazing...hope he knows where they all go to put it back together again! Still have not located the last egg from the egg hunt. Chip is wandering around, looking for all his friends. Buffy came out from the closet and is pleased not to find unknown people in the house! As for me, the weekend just went way too fast. You guys need to stay longer next time!
