Saturday, March 10, 2007

How my little Colorado Rocky?

Tonight I am going to Colorado to visit my good pal Rich, and meet up with yet another good pal Jon. I am really pumped for this getaway, we will be skiing the crap out of Copper mountain and possibly a couple others. There is a good chance of a super sweet backcountry hike for one of our days and that is going to be no less than stellar too! All in all, I can't wait to do some mountain skiing, Today i hit the big jumps at spirit to get all amped for this adventure. I have a big 'ol mark on my back from one of my less than successful attempts, but oh well!

Yesterday I skied the pipe at spirit because it was the only decent run, so hiking around on it was sweet because I got to watch a guy work out a really sweet rodeo 5 and it was cool to see someone do a big trick in real life.

And thats it, I feel better, my stomach still working some kinks out but overall, much better. If I get my camera to work maybe you'll see a post for me

1 comment:

  1. tony
    i am doing anniemosity's next top model thursday night
    (as i will be in duluth)
    and i was hoping
    if you would model for me.
