Friday, January 12, 2007

Hows my little innovation?

Everyone should own a roomba.

Tonight I turned Gunter on to show Laura what it did quick, she called it creepy and said it will probably attack me in my sleep. I disagree...Gunter is a fighter and will face me in the eye.

The Edges around our house have never looked better!

Its a neat little toy, I push a button, leave my music on a reasonable level in my room and when it sings at me something needs to happen for me to investigate. So it sang the first time and it was because it got stuck on a stray carpet loop. The next time it sang was because it had filled up his butt and needed to poo. So i emptied its dust and it went upon its merry way. There was just a big crash so I imagine it got into some trouble that i better go investigae.

Gunter..youre a neat little vacuume thingy.