Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hows my little Vote against war?

I voted yesterday.
Donald Rumsfeld quit today.

Did you vote?
Yesterday marked an important day for me and, well I think... My family. If you know me you know my stance is pretty firm against the war, I promote Stem Cell reasearch, I think if gay people would like to get married they should. And some other things too.

Wisconsin...I thought you were better than that...

I think Pawlenty is running minnesota pretty well, so I have no qualms with his win.

As for the house and Senate I voted blue. For two reasons. My brother Brian and my other brother Dan. Both have been to Iraq and made it back with their lives, and Brian will be over there again most likely by march. and if only takes 15 min of my life to register and then to vote to prolong his life, then damnit I'll do it, shame on who didn't.
Go DFL for gaining control of the house. I can only hope that this is a beginning to an end of our involvement with Iraq.

I Voted.


  1. Reading that just made me feel more proud of you than I already am. You're a good guy Tony J.

  2. Thanks for not sucking like me and voting. If I ever become important I'm going to make voting absentee much easier to understand.

    Also, the sweater is not German, it was purchased in Ireland. Though I did get a nice chocolate brown cordoroy jacket in Germany.

    World of Sex seemed a little dead. So instead we went to another down the road a bit further. Of course I'm not going to pay cover to see naked girls dance. I can do that for free in front of my mirror.

    Funny thing to think about: Euro money doesn't have 1euro bills, just coins. So do strippers have a little money pouch for one euro coins or do they just get fivers in their g-strings? Food for thought.
