Monday, November 20, 2006

Hows my litte thankfully excited?

Two Parts:

I am cheesy
I am thankful for:
My great friends, my wonderful mom and dad and sister and brothers, that I am healthy, a job, my big house, Fergie, the big hugs i get and give, music that fits my mood, ireland, my sisters presence in ireland creating an excuse to see it, engadget keeping me updated on nerd news, cnn keeping updated on "news", blogging, glorious food, hot girls in the morning, fun, smiles, good moods, really neat clouds, pictures, photoshop, walks to school in the cold, and the love i have for all the people close to me.

Part two:
I am going to ireland for thanksgiving, to those of you who offered me a place to sit and be welcomed for thanksgiving thank you so much I love you and am thankful i have friends and family gracious enough to offer that to me.
But, I'm going to ireland.
I am leaving the country to a much different place, the signs are different, they talk different, they even measure different. I am going to drink stout and whiskey and laugh and love. I am excited to see my sister whom i haven't seen in forever, and I am excited to see a new part of the world. I am going to see henry's sister the weekend that I am there. I'm excited to walk in a place i have never been and see things i have never seen. I am excited to dress kind of nicely for a whole week and everyone I meet will have the impression I do it all the time. I am excited to be a traveler and a tourist. I am excited for someone else to show me around an area I know nothing about. I am excited to talk to strangers, I am excited to show a security guard my passport. I am excited that the bank just extended my credit line. I am excited to play 7 hours of pokemon. I am excited to leave minnesota. I am excited to be alive enough to be excited. Friends, family and strangers I am leaving on the 23rd and I am excited about that.

suprise! part 3
when i see girls with really big butts i automatically start singing 'what you gunna do with all that junk all that junk inside that trunk' and it makes me laugh EVERY time.


  1. tony,
    have an amazing time in ireland.
    bring me back something irishy.
    love, anne.

    ps: i am thankful that, despite the fact that we probably passed each other every single day in the hallways of our high school and never met....
    ....we finally met. and are friends.

  2. i am thankful for group hugs with friends who think i just pretend to go to umd.

