Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hows my little for lack of a better word?

wow, I cant believe it.

If youre one of my good friends you probably know who this is pictured above. If youre not, its Flogging Molly.
Most of you know how much I love them. Anyway I tried not to geek out too much with em...but I did.

Wait wait...Let me start over.

So Tonight started like many other nights, A little drink, A lot of merry, great friends and later...a concert (Flogging molly to be exact).
Chillin in my living room I get a call from the (insert copious amounts of greatful adjatives here) Anne Clifford. She says "Hey, Do you have a car?"
I reply, "yes..."
"How would you like to drive Flogging Molly from the show, to the after-party at Dublhinns?"
[jaw drops...shes kidding right?...well anne doesnt call me for no reason, I believe her]
"Hell yes!"
Ok here is what you have to do....

So we go to the show...Not only am I pumped to Go to a concert, mosh, jump, live, cry and love, I get to meet one of my favorite bands of all time...IN MY CAR.

So the show gets over, they were great...Like usual, I loved it (6th itme by the way) and after the show as many of you know I am a sweaty Mo-Fo I danced, was great. So i part with my friends (probably rudely sorry) and head to meet this stranger to escort Flo-Mo to the bar.
and we wait.
and wait
and wat

PS we were outside, Im sweaty as hell shirt is drenched, If I recall right I have the first stage of hypothermeia setting in. FINALLY they are ready, so we get going.
I had a cool guy named franky(dave's Friend), two others from the opening shows and The drummer(bald guy with blue shirt in back) in my car. Of course I take not the fastest way (these guys just wanted and to get lit up, not happy with me) we rocked to Rage and walked into the bar.

Im looking for the my hook up to say i got the guys there, and find one of my good pals from the bemidji track team (mom it was the guy who wore the kilt) and I freak out cause I havent seen him in ages and i tell him my story.
After I head over to find the guy again, I see him he hands me a pint. [backstory: I have been drinking a shit ton of beer lately in order to like Guiness for my Ireland visit (mission has been accomplished)] So I sit there and chat with the (pictured far left) Lead Singer...Dave King and his beautiful wife Bridget.

I chatted with them while drinking bottomless free guiness and leared about what to not see and what to see for my visit. They wer pouring the beer faster than I could drink (ask me about half and half its getting long) so I am running whiskey shots and beer to my buddy jake from b-town and hes drinkin for free i am too...lord it was great.

At the end of the night I had a blast, I met one of my favorite bands, partied with them and could not believe it for a moment.

There was many people there celebrating halloween and one chick was honestly wearing black underware (undies and bra) and rabbit ears. If hanging with flogging molly hadnt already gotten me off half a dozen times...that would have for sure oh man..

Also might have gotten a Graphic Design Hook-up with a Duluth Design firm who does work for companies all around the world.

Anne...I am deeply in debt to you, youve got some love headed your way very very soon.

Amanda I tried to call you but apparently my phone cant call ireland, I really did try though.

1 comment:

  1. you're so badass i can hardly even handle it.

