Tuesday, September 05, 2006

hows my little first day?

First Day of school today, kind of excited to be honest. today i have a ceramics class and another class im not sure what it is about.

Last night we broke in the new place by having a potluck. i guess it turned out to be a huge success. I came well after it started after the slowest day of work ever (driving the shuttle and only one ride given). the part that I was there for was quite fun, there was a dance off, some how i got roped into and and had to break out the only dance move I know...the worm, it was embarrassing. I danced to toxic...bleah. anyway life is grand...off to go get my clothes out of the broken dryer....yipee!!!

pizza luce tonight, half price bottles of wine, yessssssss

oh....turns out we have a sauna in our basement, who knew?

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