Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hows my little Razr Killer?

I killed it....

My trusty Razr, it could not handle the swim in lake superior, sadly.
I tried to breathe life into it through its ventilation but it would not resopnd.
I attempted surgery but unfortunatly I was unable to help.
I did not bother it for extended mounts of time for it to recouperate.
I tried to plug it into it's life support system but it could not handle it.
To you Razr I salute you.

meh, i have insurance I can collect on its death and get a new one
yay capitalism

I will be without a phone until next week sometime, probably tuesday night or wednesday, cingular dose not represent itself up here and since the guts of Razrs are different from company to company I can not just magicaly get a new one.

My parents sold the house, they will be out by july 17th.
Before My mom moves she would be interested in teaching whoever wants how to interview, as she is a human resources manager she knows one or two things about them. Also we are at that age where interviews are particularly important. Free of charge.

Summer is going well, I am currently reading a book about the begining of the current Iraq war and what the soldiers expierenced, it was written by a CNN embedded reporter who was in the same division of the army as my brother.

Yesterday Dan and I jumped off of the top of the sunken building in lake superior against our better judgement, the lake was really really cold yesterday. I will do it again and take pictures for ya'll

My wine will be bottled on tuesday Starting right now I will be taking pre-orders. It is called Essentially Dapper and is a white wine of the Pinot Grigio type.

The end

1 comment:

  1. Do you have to pay a death tax on your phone?
