Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hows my little late-nighter?

I realized it has been a few days since I have written, because when I see people in the halls now I have something to tell them.

Here is my recent life recap
Bullets rock:

* Worked the job I am growing to hate Friday and Saturday
* Ma Pa Sis with special guest Chip! came up for a visit
* Went to lunch with all of the above, except Chip and add Stabby
* Parents went home because I had to work (on Easter)
* Turned out I didn't have to work
* Had a very full glass of wine because of this
* Stabby and I crawled around in the drainage sewers of Duluth
* Pictures were taken, inquire within
* Worked at my Bitch job Monday until 10
* Started AND finished a photo project after work/visit with Ann/45 min chat with mum
* Started at 11:50ish and finished at 4:45ish
* Today I woke up to our landlord knocking to fix our leaky sink
* School was meh
* Came home ate a good dinner with Ann
* Violated a rule I set for myself last year and that was to not nap after 7PM
* napped from like 8-12pm
* Now I am blogging and am going to start a project where I mold myself into a bathroom sign thing for my 8am class today


  1. Let's hang out tomorrow (Thursday). April 20th.

  2. tony. tj. fattie. roomie. i miss you! i can't believe on that fateful day that we met in 2D digi i didn't know you would be my future house mate. i miss you. did i mention that already? well i am super excited to find a place! xoxo megan.

  3. he finds his family, but the entire movie was actually quite frightening.

    yes. we ate ALL the cake.

  4. I hope you are ok. Thanks for being you. Smiles!
