Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hows my little minty mint?

I just ate a whole roll of thin mints in less than 4 min.
This is why I dont buy junk food, it replaces meals.
Now I am going to lay down with the intentions of a nap.
why am I so tired?
I hate not having worth while freetime
I saw Lindsey Lohan on TV recently and am offically over my infatuation with her


  1. thin mints > lindsay lohan.
    good choices.

  2. lindsay is my girl and all, but if i had to chose her or girl scout cookies? i'd chose the cookies.


    ps. i'd love to see you, i work till 3pm on monday, aand till 6pm on tuesday and wednesday. let me know a time and a place, and i shall be there.
