Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hows my little PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Jason and I were watching the Praise and worship channel last night listening to the speaker's blasphemey, when a question arose, that neither Jason nor I could figure out the answer to. SO for all of you devout christians, jews, atheists, or whoever knows....Why on eath during these programs to the audience members hold one or sometimes even two open hands up in the air.

My best guess is that its kind of like at a rock show people do the " |oo| " with their fingers cause...YEAH! ROCK ON woo hoo, its just what you do, weezer fans have their own special one " \\/\// ". Is the open hand thing like a YEAH JESUS thing? or do they expect streams of the lords energy to fly into their arms and give them new life....or something?

I witnessed this 'hand thing' in person at a north Heights service once too, and laughed it off, now I'm just curious, Jason, my resident luthern expert said it wasnt a luthern thing...although north heights is a luthern church. SO, if its just a thing that happens when youre "feeling" what the speaker has to say, cool, or if it has some more devine significance, tell me, I am just a curious outsider.


anniemosity said...

tony, babe, if you want a guest blogger spot, you can have it, but you gotta ask for it.

also, you should make commenting open to everyone, not just bloggers.

just sayin :)

samma said...

i always have the coolest sunglasses, that's just the way it goes.